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The Quality of Equality

Morgan Musselman and other women wrestlers standing on the podium after a wrestling meet. Photo provided by Morgan Musselman.
Morgan Musselman and other women wrestlers standing on the podium after a wrestling meet. Photo provided by Morgan Musselman.

Each year, students get more days off for religious holidays than almost any other county in the nation, yet many sports are incredibly underrepresented, underfunded, or completely ignored. This is a problem in the Virginia High School League (VHSL), but even more so in middle schools, specifically in Loudoun County. Parks and Recreation are “sponsors” of middle school athletes, yet prohibit middle schools themselves from sponsoring middle school athletics. In order to play sports in middle school, students and families must go through little league, which is part of Parks and Rec, or pay considerable amounts of money for travel sports organizations.
Many students at Woodgrove feel their opinions are unheard and sports are under-represented.Woodgrove junior, Kale Malik, plays opposite and outside for 17U men’s volleyball for Maryland Volleyball Program (MVP). Their team recently traveled to Puerto Rico to compete and placed 3rd in the 17U tournament. Additionally, they are nationally ranked at the 35th spot. Malik explains, “I definitely think men’s volleyball should be offered in all LCPS because of people like me, people who have a deep passion for volleyball, but need to travel to a different state to participate in something I find enjoyable.” He not only expressed his opinions on LCPS offering his sport, but also gave suggestions as preliminary steps the county can take, saying, “See just how many people would be interested in volleyball. This includes men and women because I know of some schools in Maryland that have a men’s team, women’s team, and a co-ed team.” Malik also acknowledged that many private schools in the area have men’s teams in addition to a few public schools in Maryland. He explains, “I think right now at Woodgrove there would not be enough of an interest, but in a few years, I believe there is a solid chance of a men’s team.” However, men’s volleyball is not the only sport that Woodgrove students believe should be offered.
A few schools in the area such as Riverside High School and Fairfax High Schools offer women’s wrestling. Junior Briaunna Robinson feels Woodgrove should offer the sport as well. She explains, “It’s not fair for women to wrestle against men and have to compete for a spot with the opposite sex. Women’s wrestling is one of the fastest growing sports in the nation and we all deserve a fair shot at doing what we love and being comfortable doing it.” Robinson feels that Woodgrove has more than enough interest across all grades to form a women’s team, stating, “To make this a sport at Woodgrove, we would need support from coaches, teachers, and other athletes. We need to have an interest meeting so girls know it’s available and to get the word out.” Robinson also highlighted the steps a few girls have taken thus far. She said, “Right now we are currently working through the process to get it [women’s wrestling] approved by the Loudoun County Head of Athletics with Dr. Shipp!”
Another female wrestler at Woodgrove, Morgan Musselman, explained the benefits of a women’s wrestling program. “It opens a door for young women who are interested in wrestling, but too uncomfortable to wrestle men. Women’s wrestling encourages physical fitness, teaches girls basic self defense, and creates a strong sense of independent leaders,” she stated. Not only did Musselmen explain the benefits of the program, but also highlighted the sexist opinions and views. She said, “The idea that a female can compete in a ‘male sport’ is unpopular. Many don’t think they can compete, which leads to poor support and zero opportunity for girls who want to wrestle.”
Recently, there has been talk of middle schools across the county adding sports for students that are sponsored by the school. It is unsure which sports this will include, but an unconfirmed preliminary list includes: baseball, softball, basketball, volleyball, and football. Students are encouraged to pursue any sport that interests them, but also express their opinions to the county and make a case for why their sport should be offered by VHSL. The county preaches equality each and every day, so push for equality in representation for all sports in the county.

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